Dentyne Ice Peppermint Split to Fit Peppermint Gum - 9 / Box

Dentyne Ice Peppermint Split to Fit Peppermint Gum - 9 / Box
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The latest innovation to beloved Dentyne Chewing Gum is this delicious new Dentyne Ice Peppermint Split to Fit Gum! This gum has a cool icy peppermint flavor encased in innovative new packaging. All of this makes it perfect for your pocket or purse.

Released in 2012, these new packages contain 16 pieces of Ice Peppermint Gum! That is, believe it or not, 33 percent more gum than the old package! Everyone loves a bargain which, combined with their taste, may be the reason why they are selling like hotcakes.

Although the formula and packaging have changed over the years, people can never seem to get enough of the fantastic, fresh taste! 


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