Candy History, Candy in Pop Culture, Hannah Brelsford's Sweet Thoughts

Astro Pops and HerSHEy Bars – Candy for Dreamers

March 16, 2022 by

Candy is for Dreamers

Did you know that Astro Pops pays tribute to the Golden Age of Space Exploration?

 Recently I wrote a history post about Astro Pops, a lollipop based on rockets and children’s dreams for space. This got me thinking about all the cosmic candies we have in this universe. The world’s curiosity for space has always been around. After all, there is so much left to discover beyond what we can see. This fascination for space is shown through candy!

Candy helps kids dream. As a kid, I loved candy and dreamed of candy stores like the ones from Willy Wonka. Candy stores with factories down the road, chocolate wafting through the air, and dreams spreading through sweets. Like Willy Wonka showed us best, imagination is what is important and crucial to life.

Willy Wonka also thought that it was important to dream. In Willy Wonka, Charlie grew up with almost nothing and he dreamt for more. This dream he accomplished through his love of candy and his imagination.

The other children who went into the factory with Charlie didn’t have the imagination that he did. They were greedy and didn’t dream of a life beyond that moment. Charlie did dream beyond the moment he was in and hoped for a better world.

Candy gave his family the way out of the life that he was in and he saw how candy could change people’s lives. This story developed by Roald Dahl wasn’t just about class and a family that wanted more, it was about the power of a child’s imagination and candy’s role in his dreams.

The Astro Pop back then gave kids their dreams of going to space, inspired their imaginations for their future, and excited their taste buds.

During the Cold War and subsequent space race, astronauts pushed all possible boundaries and became heroes and all the people bound to earth wanted to live through them, wanted to be them. Even if these young aspiring astronauts couldn’t take a real rocket, these lollipops, modeled after rockets, encouraged them to keep dreaming.

By feeding their taste buds, these lollipops fed their imaginations. It is impossible to dream if you don’t know what you are reaching for, even more, impossible if you aren’t encouraged to do so. Astro Pops, like other candies, keep dreams alive within young children and people. Some may view candy as just a sugary snack but it’s much more than that.

Hershey’s limited-edition bars highlight SHE to celebrate all women and girls.

Recently Hershey just put out their Limited Edition HerSHEy Bar which emphasizes the “she” in Hershey in honor of women’s history month. We are hoping to get this limited edition candy bar in the next few months.

This candy bar isn’t just about the chocolate. It’s about celebrating women and their place in society. It shows young girls that they belong, a value that girls need to be instilled in them from a young age. It celebrates them and their life experiences. It isn’t just the wrapping on the outside of the candy bar. It’s about the movement and aspirations of what the candy bar represents.

Candy is much more than your mouth watering right before you take a bite or that delicious taste that hits your tongue once the bite has been taken. It’s about exciting imaginations, giving people aspirations to dream for, and showing people that they belong anywhere that they can dream of

At CandyFavorites we aren’t giving out Golden Tickets like Willy Wonka but we are eager to encourage dreamers and we love to connect people with the memories that they associate with a sweet snack.

We believe that candy lights the match that sets off the flame within the heart of people, young and old. It sparks imagination and sustains souls. That is why we believe in candy and why we believe that candy makes a difference in this world!

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