Goldenbergs Peanut Chews - an iconic classic since 1917
by Becca Droz
Goldenbergs Peanut Chews have been an iconic candy favorite since 1917Sharability: 8Denture Danger: 7Convenience: 6Novelty: 9Overall: 8
Though the name of the candy is Peanut Chews, I couldn’t help but think it was lying based o the picture on the wrapper. To me, it looked like solid chocolate filled with peanuts and I couldn’t fathom how that was going to be chewy.
The wrapper doesn’t say there is caramel in the inside; it just says “Bite-size chewy pieces loaded with peanuts!” So when I bit into the caramel-like substance that was filled with peanuts and covered in chocolate I wondered why they didn’t mention that on the wrapper.
Maybe it isn’t caramel. Maybe it is some chemical substance that is a cheap substitute for the “creamy” caramel that, oh so many candies love to rave about. But don’t let me put ideas in your head.
The truth is that the caramel-like substance is molasses, which is a syrupy sugar. The Peanut Chews are manufactured by Just Born, which also makes America’s favorite Easter candy, Peeps. I only had the honor of tasting the ‘milk chocolatey’ flavor, though I do know that this candy comes in original dark chocolate as well. The bar is not so much a bar, but many bars, six to be exact. Six little fun size candies, making sharing easy.
Romanian immigrant, David Goldenberg, founded the Goldenberg Candy Company in 1890. This company first introduced the Peanut Chews in 1917. This high protein and high energy bar was originally developed as a ration bar for the U.S. military in World War I. The company went through the hands of many Goldenbergs who all did their part in making the candy what it is today.
In the 1930s Harry Goldenberg initiated the conversion from the bite size bars to a full bar with bite size pieces. Just Born accumulated the Peanut Chews in 2003. This one is a fun vintage candy, and it’s vegan too!