Cinnamon Imperial Hearts - 3 lb.

Cinnamon Imperial Hearts - 3 lb.
In stock

Cinnamon Hearts, known to some as Cinnamon Imperials, are a Valentine's Day favorite. With their distinct shape and vibrant color, they're as popular with crafters as those with a sweet tooth. Cinnamon Hearts are ideal for snacking, baking, gift applications or packaging. Commonly referred to as "Red Hots", these tiny red spicy candies are sure to warm your heart!

Our Cinnamon Imperial Hearts are packed in a 3-pound bulk bag, which means that you'll have plenty to go around. So get creative! Whether you're eating them or decorating with them is totally up to you. We know that with a little candy inspiration, you can achieve great things. So what are you waiting for? You're just a few clicks away from a spicy-sweet candy extravaganza. 

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