Spearmint Leaves and Anise Bears: Flavors Removed From Their Natural Habitat
by Becca Droz
Anise Bears and Spearmint Leaves are very popular chewy candies and this blog discusses the merits of each!Sharability: 10Denture Danger: 8Convenience: 6Novelty: 5Overall: 7
These two sugar coated gummy candies each have their own distinct personality. The spearmint leaves are as green as the newest summertime grass and have the mojito flavor while the anise bears are brown and have the pungent licorice type flavor.
These two flavors are representatives of plants that grow from the ground. Anise, Pimpinella anisum, is a flowering plant that is native to the Southwest Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean region and the taste (as well exemplified in these large gummy bears) is similar to that of fennel, tarragon, and of course, licorice.
The spearmint leaves that dance around mojito glasses come from the Spearmint, Mentha spicata plant, native to Europe and Southwest Asia. It was first discovered in 1843 as it invaded the Great Lakes area.
These tastes are invasive to the plastic bag where you can buy them in bulk, but provide a taste that you can imagine is coming from their natural habitat.