Ladies and gentlemen, now introducing… yeah let’s not do that, let me try again...
Hi, I’m Murphy Patterson, recent Ohio University graduate, former horse girl, rocker chick at heart, and an occasional bartender when the pockets are nearing empty. I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and still live here today. Do I want to live here my entire life? Not too sure about that one, but I will always be rooting for the black and gold, and love to let everyone know. It’s the city of champions baby! In my spare time, if I ever have any, you can catch me on a night out with my friends, dancing to something with a lot of bass and being the loudest one in the room.
No matter how I describe myself I know one thing, and that is that I love to be creative and express myself, and I usually start by writing. I graduated with a journalism degree, but don’t let that fool you, there is more too me than just strictly news. I have dabbled in feature stories, food reviews, and some music reviews. I spent some time in D.C. helping out in the production room at The Hill.TV and occasionally fool around with song lyrics, but those are far from being shown to anyone besides my own two eyes. Now, here we are moving on to candy.
I hope I can entertain you with some content that is different but will also inform you about what is new in the candy world. I like to have fun, so let’s try and not take this too seriously and make life a little sweeter.