As this whirlwind of summer is coming to a close, we are still trying to adapt during these uncertain times and there is a HUGE elephant in the room that people aren’t really talking about. What are we going to do about Halloween?
Personally, I started thinking about my costume the day after last Halloween, and I’m stuck between Stevie Nicks and Captain Jack Sparrow. But these are costumes that need a spotlight, and I don’t know if this Halloween will be the year to really shine. But I digress, let’s move on to more important things, like candy.
2020 has certainly been out to get everyone, and with the pandemic in mind, people may not be doing much "door to door" trick-or-treating, pillowcases in hand. However, that doesn’t mean we still can’t enjoy the novelty of rotting our teeth away while we indulge in some of the best treats life has to offer.

With Halloween @ Home Trick or Treat Candy Assortment, kids can still have that full bag feel, getting everything from candy bars to special treats and snacks, but delivered right to your home. Don’t worry kids, there will be no toothbrushes or apples in these candy bags because we all know the pain of walking up to Mrs. Taylor’s house and being handed sugar-free gum. 9-year-old me was about to riot. So even though times are tough right now and we may not be able to celebrate the way we wanted, we can still make sure our bellies are full and our candy bowls are overflowing with top tier treats.
So don’t think the festivities are completely canceled, because Halloween @ Home is coming to save our favorite spooky holiday.

So let’s give it up for Halloween @ Home, an assortment of everyone’s favorite candies. No matter if you are 8 or 72 everyone has a memory of dumping out their Halloween candy on the floor, rummaging through, sorting everything, and deciding what is going to be up for trade. I remember racing the neighborhood kids to the doors of houses we knew always handed out full-size candy bars. As we got a little older, we would map out the best neighborhoods to trick-or-treat in all over town.