Lots of things are red! Roses are also expensive and short lived, and they don't taste very good. Let's tackle these issues one at a time, shall we?
Price (Reality) Check
It's common knowledge that the price of flowers skyrockets around
Valentine's Day... especially red roses. It doesn't seem fair to take advantage of those who are trying to express some love to one another. Talk about hypocrisy! Candy doesn't play dirty like that. Our prices are the same every day, no matter
what time of the year you want candy or what
color you're looking for.
Life Expectency
When was it decided that presenting someone with a gift that dies quickly should ever be considered an acceptable symbol of love? Flowers have a life expectancy of – what? --
maybe a week. Perhaps a little longer if you put the effort into all the recommended tricks of the trade to preserve them. If your beloved is a true klutz, they can end up killing them even faster while trying to extend their sentimental life.
Better to bestow a giant,
5-pound Hershey Bar and say (metaphorically) “My love is this big, and will last this long.” Consider the bunches of love implied by this
Cherry Heart Lollipop Bouquet. Or the sappy sentiment of
a big kiss. Any of these treats is sure to outlast any flower (though the length of time they remain available is directly proportionate to your rate of consumption) and be fun to share. Shouldn’t sharing be part of everyone’s Valentine's Day experience?
Sugar is Sweet

Just like your love! And it comes in many forms, suitable for the most
hopeless romantics and the best of
friends. There are as many ways to express your love through candy as there are types of love! Plus, let's not forget that
chocolate is the perfect mood booster. When it comes to chocolate, the more the merrier (literally)!
Still not convinced that Valentine's Day just isn't Valentine's Day without the flowers to go along with that traditional
heart-shaped box? We understand, and we're here to help. So then why not make Valentine's Day a 2-day event? Candy on the day of, and an encore of flowers the day after (when roses are often sold at a steep discount). Stretch out the celebration while keeping some money in your pocket (perhaps to put towards a future dinner date).
You’ll get bonus points all around!